Pre-Op Instructions For Patients Receiving IV Sedation

  • You may not have anything to eat for (8) eight hours prior to the appointment. Clear liquids (ginger ale, water) are allowed up to (4) four hours before surgery.

A responsible adult must accompany the patient to the office, remain in the office during the procedure, and drive the patient home.

  • Please wear loose fitting clothing with short sleeves, and low-heeled shoes.
  • Contact lenses, jewelry, and dentures must be removed at the time of surgery.
  • Do not wear lipstick, excessive makeup, or nail polish on the day of surgery.
  • If you have an illness such as a cold, sore throat, stomach or bowel upset, please notify the office.
  • If you take routine oral medications, please take them with a small sip of water unless otherwise instructed by your doctor.

Post-op Instructions After Dental Extractions


  • Bleeding after dental extraction is to be expected and mild oozing may persist up to 48 hours after the procedure. This should not be a concern. To control post-operative bleeding leave gauze in place, applying firm pressure for 45 minutes and replace as needed.
  • For the remainder of today, do not rinse, spit, or suck through a straw, smoke, or drink alcoholic beverages. Beginning 
tomorrow, rinse after meals and before bedtime with the prescription mouth rinse. If you did not receive a prescription rinse salt water can be used as a substitute. Continue to rinse until your post-operative appointment.
  • Discomfort is normal after your procedure and is typically manageable with over the counter pain relievers and prescription pain medication.
  • Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) is an excellent reliever of dental pain and inflammation.If you are able to take Ibuprofen begin a scheduled regimen of Motrin 600 mg every 6 hoursfor 5 days. Motrin will help with discomfort and swelling after 
your surgery.
  • If you were given a prescription for a narcotic pain reliever use only as needed. Narcotic pain relievers and ibuprofen my be taken together to help manage moderate to severe pain.
  • A prescription narcotic pain medication may be provided as a supplemental analgesic to be taken only as needed. Use these 
medications with caution as they may cause nausea and drowsiness. It is therefore best to avoid operation of a motor 
vehicle or hazardous device when taking these medications. Taper use of pain medication as tolerated.
  • If instructed, apply ice to face over area, 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off, for at least the first 24 hours following the 


  • Drink plenty of liquids today and eat cool, soft foods. Tomorrow, advance your diet and eat whatever can be tolerated comfortably and continue to drink plenty of fluids. You are able to resume a normal diet when you feel up to it. Some patients are able to get back to regular foods within the first 48 hours after their procedure while others may take up to 10 days before resuming a normal diet.
  • Get plenty of rest and limit activity.
  • Patients who receive oral sedation or intravenous anesthesia should not operate a motor vehicle or hazardous device or participate in any contractual / legal obligations for 24 hours. Children should be closely supervised during the next 24 hours.

If you have any questions or problems, we are available 24 hours a day. Please call 412-343-7855.

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